Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy 4th of July!!!

No personal firework display this year.  Banned in our county.  Too dry.  I have a feeling that this heat will be the norm from now on.  Anyway...

I pulled the Garlic yesterday.  It had went to seed, but I waited until there were only 5 to 6 green leaves.  I've heard a couple different things about harvesting Garlic, so I'll just try this first and see what happens.  Miss 38th Street is braiding the Garlic now, which I think is pretty cool.  Funny thing is, I planted the Garlic upside down.  So, all the garlic plants look like a "J" when I pulled them up.   Chui is assisting in the Garlic clean up.

Luckily, Mimi is not interested in the Garlic.  She just wants to play with the frisbee.  She's a little hot, so back in the AC for her.

I did have one garden casualty today.  I had to pull up the Roma Tomato plant out of the garden box.  It was diseased.  It was wilting and all of the green fruit had black bottoms.  It's out.  I might have to pull out one more.  We'll see.

Everybody stay cool today!

We're off to downtown for some fireworks.

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