Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's official

The garden has begun.  Miss 38th St and I planted the first round.  We planted red and white onions, spinach and Vivian lettuce.  We also planted four trumpet vines on the lattice on the house and the garage. 

Unfortunately, we had to make a chicken wire cage to protect our garden.  There are squirrels that are trashing the garden before we even started.  So we fixed the box and made the chicken wire cage.  I hope it works. 

I also made three 2ft square flower boxes for Miss 38th St on the south side of the house.  She hasn't decided what to put there yet, but it's ready when she's ready. 

The transplants are doing very well.  I'll have some pics later of everything. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh no.. Trumpet vine is the scourge of the earth! Although it is beautiful, it is one of the most aggressive plants I have encountered (right up there with Chinese elm). I spent so many years battling the trumpet vine at our house in Fort Collins, that I swore I would never have anything like it again!
