Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Garden Update!!!


I haven't written in a while.  A WHILE!!!  Ok, so...

We harvested the carrots.  We had a few good ones.  Most were puny, but good.  They definitely tasted different.  Kind of soapy.  Good though. 

We've had a lot of Pakistan, Anaheim, and Scotch Bonnet peppers, still.  I've made some really hot dishes.  Holy crap!  Man. 

So I've been cleaning up the garden box a bit.  I've pulled out the watermelons, radicchio, green beans, cherry tomatoes and some other tomatoes. 

I also planted MORE BABY SPINACH and MORE BABY ROMAINE!!!  I prepped a patch of soil with Garden-tone and some organic garden soil.  This is another first for me.  I've never planted a fall crop.  I can't wait to see if works!  Undercover Garden Brother.

38th Street!

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