My first entry of the new year! I hope everyone had a great 2011 and will have an even better year this time around. Welcome back to my garden blog. I made a few changes to the blog for 2012. I might make a few more. I hope everyone will enjoy this year's version. I also hope I get some more advice, too! I need all the help I can get.
If you're like me, the garden is already on your mind. In fact, I got some new garden books for Christmas. Mainly from Miss 38th Street's lovely mother (Kathy, you're a peach!) I have a lot to read. Check this out:
I got "Carrots Love Tomatoes," by Louise Riotte. I studied some companion gardening from several internet articles last year, but I still wanted this book. I just like having books handy, you know?
I got "The Organic Gardener's Handbook of Natural Pest and Disease Control," which is a Rodale book. And it has such a catchy title, huh? Rodale rocks, so I wanted this book.
Last, but not least, I was given the "Seed to Seed," by Suzanne Ashworth. This will be a valuable book in the long run, I hope. I have read a couple segments from it on a website last year. I liked it. We gotsta keep it realz.
I have a lot to read, as you can see.
Now, I've already started on my first garden project. Last year was the second time I started seeds indoors. I had mixed results. I thought the whole experience was great. Miss 38th Street and I got excited when we came home from work or woke up in the morning to find new sprouts. Last year, I attempted to start around 50 seedlings or so. The seed growing set up was a set that I adjusted as I went. It was pretty ugly, but it worked, kinda.
This year, I have taken the next step in my seed growing endeavours. I have moved the operation to the basement. My Dad gave me a heavy duty 6ft table last week. I'm using it as the seed tray table. But that's not the best part. Check it:
I installed five sets of grow lights on pulleys! I have three 4 foot duel lamp fixtures, and two 24 inch duel lamp fixtures.
I am using tie-line to hang the lights. I installed 2x4s, plywood, hooks and pulleys.
I've got five lights that I can adjust as needed. It's not perfect, but it's a start.
I still need to run the power to all the fixtures, which I hope to have finished this week. I am also looking to add some storage to hold all pertinent items to this operation and an oscillating fan. Possibly a space heater. I'll have to see the how warm it is down there. This is really exciting! It was great when I showed Miss 38th Street. She was a little stunned at the operation, but was confident in what I was doing. After looking at this, if anyone has any suggestions. Please let me know!
Alright. That's all I've got for now. I'm glad you read the blog! I can't wait till I get some seeds started!
38th Street out.
I am envious of your operation! I look forward to reading your blog in 2012!