I hope everyone had a great weekend and got a little outdoor time. I got some yard time in this Sunday with Miss 38th Street. A few drinks and a little cornhole action in the yard. Does that sound dirty?
We made a few trips around town to get some supplies, like more potting soil, fertilizer, some stone squares for the rain barrel to sit on and a few other things. I picked up a set of 4 Romaine Lettuce plants. I did this because the Purple Orach seeds from Nature's Crossroads did not germinate. 3 weeks and nothing. Disappointing. So, I now have 3 Romaine Lettuce in the garden. Miss 38th Street is happy about that.
Ms 38th Street also planted some seed in her flower boxes on the south side of the house. She mixed Bachelor Buttons, Pacific Beauty Calendulas and Bee Balm. I hope they sprout. I planted a hole bunch of Black Eyed Susans seeds, and they are not doing well. Not a lot of action from those. Anyway, I had to cover the flower boxes with chicken wire so Mimi and the squirrels don't destroy them. I had to add chicken wire around the garden to stop Mimi from prancing through the garden box, too. She had a path worn in the soil! Which reminds me, I planted carrot seeds two Saturdays ago, and I still have nothing! Of course, Mimi did tromp on that section, but still, there should be something popping up.
I also re-potted my Kumquat Tree, too. I hope I did it right. I'm a bit concerned. I'm not sure if I made the right soil mixture. It needs to be well draining soil. I mixed potting soil with sand and peat moss. My tree was really dropping leaves the past couple days, but it had some new growth. We'll see. I hit it with some 3-10-3 to help the root growth. We'll see.
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