It is finally getting nice out! I have radishes growing rapidly in the garden box and some other greens sprouting! It's great!
This year, I have decided to join a community garden. I found one not too far from our house. It's the Broadway Community Garden. It's near the Double 8 grocery store on Fairfield Ave, if you know the hood.
They do have one more plot available, if anyone is interested. The plot I picked out is the biggest one, I think. It's over 20ft long and 3ft wide. When I arrived, it was completely weeded over, big time. Here's a pic of it when I got started.
I did clear part of it before I took this picture. I had to clear the plot and the walk ways. Part of the deal is that you need to upkeep your garden plot. That means keep your garden and walkways weeded, and trash and debris removed. They provide compost for your bed and mulch for your walkways. The provided tools, but I had brought my own. They provide water, but the hose was gone, so no water today. I'll have to look into that one. Miss 38th Street helped me bring a container of water over to water the new seeds.
So, 5 hours later and a tuckered out 38th Street Gardener, we have this:
I kept with the square foot style garden. It looks nice now, huh? I did all seeds for this bed. Here's the rundown:
Golden Midget Watermelons
Sugar Baby Watermelons
Sweet Corn (variety unknown)
Black Krim Tomatoes
Eva Purple Tomatoes
Blondekopfchen Tomatoes
Miniature Red and Chocolate Bell Peppers
I might have went a little nuts on the watermelons. You know guys and their obsession with melons! Sooooooo... I'm gonna put up some trellises for the melon vines to grow up. I'll probably need to make a couple more trellises, though. I put about a tablespoon of worm castings in each seed hole. I hope that speeds up germination. I'll probably have to stop by and water these seeds again today or tomorrow. I think I'll stop by and pick up some Merrygolds for the perimeter of my plot. Wish me luck!
The Update on the 38th Street Garden
I have the second round of greens seeds in the garden box, as of two weekend ago. This comes two weeks after the first round. That same weekend, I also planted tomatoes and peppers in pots which are placed around the property, which are sure to bother Miss 38th Street at some point (Sorry, Babe! I have a gardening problem!). And just like the years before, those damn squirrels are destroying my garden box and the POTS!!! If there are any squirrels reading this blog, YOU BETTER WATCH FUZZY LITTLE BEHIND BECAUSE IT'S ABOUT TO GET REAL 38TH STREET IN HERE!!! Keep it up and you're going to be a snack for Chui!!!
OH, he's ferocious!
Ok. Update complete.
38th Street Gardener
I trellised cantaloupes last year and it worked out very well. Good luck!