Thursday, August 11, 2011

Today's Harvest

I haven't written in a bit, so I'll do a little catch-up.  The cucumbers are the MVP of the garden thus far.  We have had to come up with several cucumber dishes.  Most have been pretty good.  The jalapenos we let ripen but they were still solid.  I had to grill them and remove the skin.  The heat varied.  Today, we got our first slim chili and Pakistani chili.  Here is what we got today:

Do you know which chili is which?

This all we got today.  Some Super 100 cherry tomatoes, Beef Steak tomato, Black Krim tomato, the only Green Pepper, Slim Chili, Pakistani Chili, Jalapeno, Thai Sun Chiles, and another Cucumber.

That's a lot of Thai Sun Chiles.  

 I'm attempting to dry out the Thai's in the oven right now.  I hope it works!  If so, then I'll make a Thai Sun Chili powder.  Mmmm!

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