Saturday, January 21, 2012

Indiana Organic Gardeners Assn. Meeting Today

Hello All!

Today was the first meeting of the year of the Indiana Organic Gardeners Association.  It was a nice meeting, as usual.  It was held at the Greenwood Public Library, which is south of Indy.  These meetings start with a pitch-in meal, which I have not participated in, yet.  I feel like the Cubs on this pitch-in; wait till next meeting.

Anyway, we always start with introductions.  This time we also said where we were getting our seeds from.  Me, I got mine from Nature's Crossroads.  You will see the link on this blog, but the site is not up at the moment.  RAMBLING, AGAIN!  Ok, we learned about organic pesticides from a woman named Laura Karr from KG Acres Farm Featherwerks.  She also spoke about chickens, which isn't my bag.  Baby.

One of the members of IOGA was giving away all of her gardening books.  She is moving away.  It was kind of sad, but I appreciated the books.  They will be used.  I got a nice book about flower for Miss 38th Street.  I hope she likes it!  I also got a wonderful gardening catalog which I intend to use here soon.  I need some seed growing supplies.

Now the best thing to happen at the meeting, which I'm totally psych'd about is a guy I met there who sells worm castings.  Worm pooh, basically.  Michael's his name and he was telling the group about how he used worm castings to start seeds.  He said they germinated quicker and were, on average, healthier plants. I got his info and I'm going to get some worm castings for my seeds!  It is from a site called  Can't wait to try this out!  I was telling all this to Miss 38th Street this afternoon.  Then I was listening to myself say that I was psych'd about worm castings?  I can't believe I just said that.  Garden Geek!

I'm drinking wine, by the way.

Thank you for reading.

Good night, and good luck ;)

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