Saturday, October 6, 2012

End of Summer and My Garden

Hello All,

I have not blogged too much this year due to long hours at work and the lack of production from the garden.  I have to agree with Lynne Sullivan, the Indiana Organic Gardeners Assn. President, when she wrote in this quarter's newsletter, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm glad that Summer is over!"   Man, what a dissappointing season!  Everything started so well, too.

Anyway, I cleaned out the garden last weekend.  Funny thing is, the tomatoes plantes looked great and were starting to have little tomatoes everywhere.  Same thing with my tomatillo plants.  Too little, too late, though.  I have emptied the rain barrel but I still need to winterize it.  I also emptied all of the plants in the containers, and stored both trellises that I used for cucumber and sugar baby watermelon plants.  I'm still deciding on what to do with the garden box.  You see, Miss 38th Street and I could be in a transition in the next three to six months.  The house is for sale and we're determined to be out of the house soon.  We'll hope for the best!  So, I don't want to spend a lot of time and money in the garden, yet.  Ahh!  I might have to change the name of my blog!  Who knows, I might not be an urban gardener anymore.  We could be out in the country.  We could be 20 or 30 blocks north of here.  We'll see.  Either way, we will continue to garden and I will continue the garden blog.

Speaking of gardening blogs, check this one out!    Skippy's Vegetable Garden   I really like her blog.  It's wonderful.  I've got to step up this blog, and the GARDEN so I can class this joint up!

The recap of this year's 38th Street Garden is this; the gardening season started out great, summer was brutal and not a lot to show for all the hard work and money we put into the ol' garden.
My seedling operation, which I stepped up this year, went well.  I had a lot of seedlings.  Too many, really.  I gave a lot away.  My greens and radishes were fantastic!  They were successful early.  I transplanted my seedlings successfully.  I have only a few plants die or I had to remove.  Then Summer, as we all know, was too hot!  I had only a handfull of tomatoes from 10 tomato plants.  Sad.  Even the cherry tomato plant, which are pretty prolific, gave me very little.  No tomatillos, no green beans, very few peppers of any variety.  I did get some cucumbers.  They did ok.  Not as good as last year, but decent.  I got two watermelons, which was the same as last year.  The herbs were fine.  I love fresh basil and mint.  Oh, the garlic was pretty awesome, I have to say.  I got twelve good bulbs.  I think I will plant these again.

I won't have much to write about for a bit, but I think I'll have to post some ideas and options for the 2013 garden.  I have no idea where that garden will be located, but it will be fun regardless.

I hope everyone had a good garden and enjoyed the experience this year.  Till next time!


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