Friday, July 12, 2013

Post Wedding Garden Update!

[Cue wedding march]

Hey Everyone!

There is now a Mr. and Mrs. 38th Street Gardener!  The wedding and all the preceding festivities were great.  The honeymoon wasn't too bad either ;)

Sorry, no wedding photos here.  You'll have to talk to us about those.  What I do have are a bunch of community garden photos.  Let's be honest, which would YOU rather see, huh?  I know you want to see more gardening goodness, right?               No?       So...      you'd rather see the wedding photos? Oh, ok, well...

Tough.  I'm showing you a bunch of garden goobaleegook and it's going to be awesome! 

Here is a shot of the corn the day before we left for the honeymoon on July 1st.  Mrs. 38th Street is looking beautiful, of course.  I don't know if you know this, but Mrs. 38th Street is 6' 9".  So that corn in the picture is like over 7' tall! 
But seriously, the corn is about 6' tall.  Pretty awesome. 

Then Mrs. 38th Street and I were off to Aruba for our honeymoon!  After a lot of sun, sea and adult beverages (not necessarily in that order), we came back to ol' Indiana very happy and relaxed. 
Maybe a little hung over, too, but who cares!  It was freakin awesome!

Here's low down on the Broadway Community Garden as of July 10th.  Everything looked great.  I was happy to see we had some rain while we were away.  No draught hit and killed everything.  I did have a lot of weeds, but I expected that.  Check this out:

I did remember to walk-off the garden length.  It is 25' x 3' plot.

I can't wait to see some ears on these suckers.
The first veggies harvested from the community garden!  I did have a small Cucumber before we left for the honeymoon, but I didn't pick it.  I hope my Cucumber plant still produces even though I let this guy turn yellow.  I read that that is a no-no.
 I have Cayenne Peppers popping up everywhere.  I love it!  If all goes well, we'll have some fresh crushed red pepper for our meals.
Jalapenos are looking good.  I like to let them start to turn red a bit before I pick them.

I am pleased the Marigolds are still doing well.  They really make the garden look nice, I must say.
Tomatoes!!!  I think these are the Black Krim.

Holy crap, we're going to have a ton of Blondekopfchen Tomatoes!  Look at all those little flowers.  Now, I didn't see any bees while I was there, but I'm hoping they make some regular visits.
Romas.  You can never have too many of these.  Well... 

All in all, not a bad looking garden.  I'm happy with everything.

I did discover that I have TWO Cucumber plants instead of one.  I thought I had one Sugar Baby Watermelon in the mix, but I was wrong.  Hey, it's OK.  I'm down with more Cucumbers.  After I did some weeding, I hit everything with some leftover Garden Tone fertilizer and some liquid fish fertilizer.  I hope that gives everything a little boost.  It just needs a good rain now. 

There is a nice old man who lives next door, which would be the house behind me in the picture above.  His name is Allen.  Pretty nice guy.  He sure doesn't like the gas company or the KKK.  I can't blame him on either one.  I told him I'd hook him up with some tomatoes if all goes well.  Allen seemed pretty happy about this.  I hope I can deliver!

Back to work!

Mr. & Mrs. 38th Street Gardener OUT!


  1. Thanks for sharing Mr. and Mrs. 38th St.! Love the pics and your neighborhood looks like a good old fashioned city neighborhood where most of us grew up and enjoyed some degree of gardening. Keep up the good work you two.....just wished we lived closer to you so we could share our ideas and some produce. We are still talking about your lovely wedding and the gorgeous surroundings there! But where else would you two get married but in a fairy tale garden?! Wishing you a bountiful harvest and a long and adventurous future together! Love you both - Sandy and Chris R.

    1. Thank you, Sandy. It was great seeing everyone over the weekend. We had a great time and I'm glad you did too! Please give me some gardening tips if you think of any. I love the advice. I don't get as much as I would like from the blog. I mainly get advice from the Indiana Organic Gardeners Association and the internet. Well, I hope we see each other again soon! Thanks, again!
