Sunday, April 17, 2011

Busy Day in the Yard

It was a beautiful day in Indianapolis!  38th St Gardener was in full effect.  We worked on the whole property this weekend.  The garden, the yard and the landscape got attention.  It was another busy weekend, but I loved it.  Here's what we did:

Saturday, I went to my first PLANT AUCTION!  It was interesting and exciting.  I got two tomato plants (Stupis and Polish Linguia), garlic plants, mint, cantaloupe, and two Variegated Solomon's Seal flowers for Miss 38th St.  Nice looking plant.  LOOK:
We also joined the Indiana Organic Gardeners Association this Saturday at the auction.  Check out the site, if you are a local Hoosier.

Sunday, after we slept one off at the JW Marriott, we got to work in the yard.  We planted the Solomon's Seal, after a dug up a stump and a small tree, in the backyard.  It is in part shade.

I cleaned up the Day Lilly patches in the front and back. 

I pulled up two more stumps in the front landscape.

I weeded the landscape in the back, and pulled dandelions in the front yard.

I planted the mint at the side of the house, then planted the radicchio and marigold seeds in the garden.

It was a great day.  I've got dirty jeans, a sore back and dirt in my hair and I can't wait to do it again. 

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