Saturday, May 14, 2011

Garden Update/Garden Reading

So Miss 38th Street and I have bought a load of plants this past week.  She has all of her flower boxes filled, as well as flowers around the property.  It looks great!  I'll get pictures later.  We have some transplants we need to plant, but I've been waiting.  The weather stations keep saying we are getting in the low 40's.  It has yet to happen.  I'm getting a little impatient, but I don't want to kill my tomatoes and peppers.

I do have a Thai Sun Chili plant potted and it is looking good.  It looked stronger after just two days in the pot.  I have one Scotch Bonnet Pepper plant ready to be potted.  It is so small compared to my other seedlings that I started.  I hope it takes off once the hot weather gets here.  I'll have pictures later today, if it's not raining.

I have been collecting some gardening books recently.  I am way into this.  I already mentioned that I was given the Square Foot Gardening book for Christmas.  That got this whole thing started.  I recently picked up a great book which I totally recommend, Rodales All New Encyclopedia Organic Gardening.  This book is fantastic!  The core book has been around since 1959!  It has been updated a couple times since.  It is packed with info vegetables, flowers, trees, shrubs, techniques, disease/pest problems and history.  The other day, I also picked up Guide to Indiana Vegetable Gardening .  I haven't read too far into this book, yet.  I'll let you know how it is.  I also found a free seed saving book on the American Seed Alliance website.  You'll see the free download on the site's main page.  It's an informative site.  I need to read more into it, myself.  That's all for now!

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