Tuesday, May 24, 2011


All five peat pots of Sugar Baby Watermelons all sprouted!  Yes!  Looks like I might have a couple extra.  I only need two.  I might have a couple to give out.

Garden Update:  My Roma Tomato plant is already dead and gone.  It took about two days for a perfectly healthy tomato plant to have yellow leaves with brown rimmed holes.  Evey leaf was infected.  I yanked it out and threw it in the trash.  I bought another tomato, a Black Krim Tomato and planted it in a pot.  I don't know what to put in the empty spot now.  Maybe some more green beans!  Or peas.  I don't know. 

By the way, if you type in "mexi gardener" in google images, you'll find this photo, as well as a lot of pics of Bruno?

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