Wednesday, June 8, 2011

More Peas

After Miss 38th Street harvested the first spinach of the year on June 4th, I planted 16 more peas the next day.  I'm puttin this info in here for my records.  The other peas are doing fantastic.  Actually, the peas, green beans, Vivian lettuce, Thai Sun chilis, and spinach are all doing great.  The watermelons are not looking good.  Something is eating away at the few leaves they have.  I didn't see any insects on them.  The cucumbers beside the watermelons are looking healthy, though.  I have to do some investigating. 

I also planted a couple things in the landscaping without telling Miss 38th Street.  She saw one, which was a Thai Sun.  The other she hasn't seen yet.  I wonder where it is?  And what it is?  Hmmm... 

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