Sunday, July 10, 2011

I have a fever. And the only cure for my fever...

IS MORE GARDENING!!!            !

Today, I did another round of Espoma Garden-Tone on most everything in the garden.  It's been almost a month since it last got a good dose of fertilizer.  Some things got some fish fertilizer.  Man, that stuff smelled just like it should have.  Stank fish. 

And since I have a gardening addiction, I added some new plants to the garden area (50% off plant sale at Sulivans!).  Yes, I found another spot for some more plants.  No, not MORE pots lining the sidewalk, but a spot on the southwest corner against the fence.  We now have three Jersey Blueberry bushes living there.
I don't know if we're going to get any blueberries this year, but hey.  We have something in the front yard to make it look even nicer.  This cultivar says it's cool with having "partial sun to shade."  Nice.  I did read something that concerned me in Rodale's.  It said that if you plant blueberries, that it is important to plant two to three different cultivars to produce fruit.  If that's true, then that sucks.  Does anyone have any experience with blueberries?  If so, please lay some knowledge on me. 

I do have some nice pictures of the garden.  I had a good picture day, by my standards.

A nice overall pic of the 38th Street Garden
 The cucumbers are coming in.  Very exciting!
 This is the first sign of the Sugar Baby Watermelons.  A little out of focus, but you get the point.
 Here is one of the Pakistan Chunky Chili plants.  Filling out nicely.
 Jalapenos are looking good.  Not too long now!
 Here is the cucumber plant I snuck in by the gutter.  I'm training it up and now onto a tomato cage.  And holy crap, Chu-nation made it into the photo!  Go Chui!  (Side note:  Chui got into a bag of the organic fertilizer and threw up all over the house while we were at a friend's wedding.  Little scary, but he's doing much better now)
 Here are a bunch of tomato pictures.  Everyone loves tomatoes!
This is the Big Beef Tomato.
 This is the sickly Stupis Tomato.  I can't believe this has any tomatoes on it.  It looks unhealthy.
 Here is our Black Krim Tomato.  I like this picture because it looks like a butt.  
A butt.
ok, next picture.
Here are our carrots.  Very nice.  
Ok,  That's it for today.  It was a very busy day in the yard and garden.  I prepared soil for the blueberries, fertilized everything, harvested another round of green beans, PLANTED another 8 green beans, trained the watermelons and cucumbers more, planted the blueberries and another basil plant (to replace the one I trimmed to death.  Sorry Miss 38th Street.)  I'm tired.  I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. There are some varieties that are self-fertilizing, but yes, you should have two varieties that are the same group (high bush, rabbiteye, or low bush). Also, you should pinch all blooms off the first year so that the plants do not put any energy into fruiting their first season.

    Blueberries have very specific soil requirements and often you must prep the soil the season before planting to get the pH correct. I suggest you get a soil meter (if you haven't already) and test your soil. The pH should be between 4.5-5.2, if not you need to add sulfur (I believe we used liquid Iron Sulfate from Fertilome).

    We had our first berries this year, not a huge yield but our bushes are still pretty little.
