Thursday, June 13, 2013

Can I Get a Bag of Lettuce on 38th Street? Yes, You Can!

Hey, Hey,

I pulled two heads of lettuce out of the garden box this morning.  One of the Mantilia, and one of the Merveille Des Quatre Saisons.  I haven't tried them yet, but they are all clean and ready to go.  Thank you Salad Spinner!

I have already pulled out the Arugula and that turned out great.  I just can't keep up with it.  I have some that have bolted.  I might have planted too much of that.  The Tatsoi that I planted, which I haven't tried yet, has been totally devoured.  So, it looks like I won't be trying that this year.  The Spinach is not doing well.  It has been partially eaten and just not very big.  Oh, and the squirrels destroyed some of it.  The squirrels were lucky, though.  They got in the garden when Chui was napping.  He's really good at napping.

38th Street Gardener.  Back to work!

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