Sunday, March 13, 2011

Busy Sunday Afternoon


It was a beautiful Sunday on 38th St.  Miss 38th St and I spent all day in the yard getting it ready for spring.  We got a lot done.

First, I built and placed the garden box in the front yard.  It's a little crooked, but I'll tweek it later.  It was fun building the garden box.  I had to buy some new power tools to get it done!  Hell yeah!  Whoo-Ah!  Power tools!

Second, I installed lattice on the south side of the house and the west side of the garage.  I'm putting this here for vines.  I planting trumpet vines at each place.  Suggestions?  Comments on my choice of vines?

Third, Miss 38th St racked up all the old hostas and day lilies so the new ones could rise up.  We also cut back the mums, too. 

Fourth, Miss 38th St seeded the yard in all the barren spots.  Seeded, watered and covered with straw.  I know the lawn will look better this year.  I has to!

Fifth, I cut down my grow-light stand that's sitting above my seed tray.  Thanks to a suggestion from Noelle, hopefully these pepper seeds will germinate!  That's what I'm talking about!  People helping me out on this garden adventure!  I really appreciate the helpful tips.  Thank you, Noelle!

Also, the daffodils have popped up a few days ago, as well as the strawberries.  Very cool.  It's coming all together.  We have some good vibes over here off 38th St.  Miss 38th St and I are going to sit back, have a beer or two and enjoy the good feelings from getting our place ready for spring.

It's burger time! 

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