Wednesday, March 9, 2011

the Seeds

On Sunday, February 27, I planted some seeds in a seed starter kit.  It's sitting in front of our south facing window.  It's now Wednesday, March 9th and no sprouts.  Now granted, the seeds I planted, the packets say that they take a while to germinate.  Oh, I guess I should say what we are planting, or trying to plant. 

Here's the list:  Scotch Bonnet Pepper, Thai Sun Chilies, Anaheim Chilies, Long Red Slim Chilies, Pakistan Chunk Chilies, and Lavender.   

I bought a heating pad to put under the seed tray that I'm using.  Last time I started seeds, the kit came with a little heat pad.  It worked!  So I'm trying it again.  I really want these seeds to grow.  I got all the pepper seeds from a place called Pepper Joe's .  If you want peppers, go there.  They got all kinds of peppers.  A bunch that I've never heard of until then.  Well,  I'm going to get crackin!

38th Street!

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